College education can be one of the most important investments an individual makes for their future. Year over year, data from the Pew Research Center finds college graduates with a bachelor’s degree or more enjoying a higher degree of annual earnings, lower unemployment rate and greater percentage of job satisfaction compared with high school grads or two-year degree holders. The U.S. government has weighed in on the benefits of higher education as well, a 2012 report from the U.S. Department of Energy and Department of the Treasury stating, “The economic returns to higher education remain high and provide a pathway for individual economic mobility.”
Not all programs are created equal, though. College majors, degree levels and online or offline formats are just a few of the things to take into account when evaluating offerings against what a prospective student wants to get out of their college experience. Making the right investment can often depend on having the right data in hand. There are plenty of factors to take into account, and few resources who tie all of them together in a clear and informative way.
To help with the evaluation process, WorldWideLearn.com has put together a breakdown of some of the top majors and subjects. Our methodology factors in elements across a broad spectrum of data points, including job growth projections, state tuition rates, average national income and more. Let us be a guide to making a decision that can deliver the best personal value to you.