6 Double Majors with Serious Career Growth Potential

Deciding to take on a double major is a big commitment, one that not only increases students’ workload, but, in many cases, has the potential to increase the amount of time it takes to complete their degrees. It can also be beneficial in the professional world, as many organizations may see candidates who complete two […]

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The 4 Vital Job Skills Today’s Employers Want From New Hires

The dynamics of landing a job have changed with the advent of social media and other new technologies. Take newspaper reporters, for example. Savvy editors now position reporters as brand experts in their respective beats, like education, travel or tourism. As part of their workday, reporters are expected to craft a brand identity and cultivate […]

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7 Lessons From Doctors That Med Students Should Learn

Becoming a doctor isn’t an easy thing to do. According to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges shows, only 20,343 students who applied in 2014 were actually invited to pursue their program of choice. On top of those challenges, there’s an additional layer of qualification that comes with becoming a doctor. This layer […]

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6 Ways to Make Your Skills Come Alive in the Job Interview

Looking for interview advice that can help separate you from the pack of other job seekers? Two experienced professionals offer the following tip: use personal stories to your advantage. Of course, a resume and qualifications are still essential, but once one gets to the interview process, a potential employer has probably already decided you likely […]

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7 Essential Questions to Consider Before Changing Majors

Choosing a major isn’t easy, and it’s a rare student who picks the perfect one on the first try. Survey results from Indiana University estimate that only 20 percent of students keep the major they selected on their admissions application, and a 2014 study by Princeton University found that 70 percent of its students change their major […]

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The 6 Most Important Factors to Consider When Choosing Your MBA

As you search for the perfect MBA program, you may have found there’s an overload of information to consider.  What factors should you take into consideration? Should you be looking at the most expensive MBA programs in the nation, or ones with the most notable successful graduates? The ones known for prestige, or with the […]

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How to Get Your Company to Sponsor Your MBA

If you’ve been hoping for help financing your MBA, the numbers show that now might be the right time to seize the opportunity. Employers are moving past the salary plateau of the last several years and investing more in their workforce. According to a report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, overall employee compensation […]

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$100K Careers That Can Start with an English Major

English majors seem like a lofty lot. They strike non-English majors as the type of people who spend their days debating the merits of Shakespearean plays or reciting poetry while standing on their desks. In reality, English majors may focus on diverse concentrations, ranging from pop culture to creative writing, and in the process, they […]

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$100K Careers That Can Start With a Communications Major

Ask someone to name a handful of jobs that commonly pay six figures and you’ll probably hear all about doctors, lawyers and top-level executives. What you probably won’t hear about are high-paying jobs that may begin with a communications degree – one that requires not only analytical thinking, but also a flair for creativity. However, […]

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STEM Jobs with the Most Men vs. the Most Women

It is a widely discussed fact that jobs in the science, technology, engineering and math fields, commonly referred to as STEM careers, are held mostly by men. This gender inequality has been the focus of several public policy initiatives, such as President Obama’s plan to bolster STEM education for girls. However, the current depth of […]

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