What’s on your law professor’s mind? Twitter lets you pick their brain on demand. Peek into a professor’s professional network, eavesdropping on tweeted discussions, discovering the latest job posts or learning about campus happenings. Or simply get to know professors across the nation better through personal tweets, covering interests from sports to Nutella.
The following law professors have made their presence felt on the Twitter-verse, either through the wit, volume or audience. Criteria for selection for this list include the quality of the tweets, the number of followers and the most active users. These professors (in no particular order) have something to say and, thanks to Twitter, a growing audience to whom to say it.
- Gabe Feldman, @SportsLawGuy, Tulane Law School. Director of the Tulane sports law program, Feldman covers developments in sports law with a dose of local New Orleans color. Followers number nearly 20,000.
- Daniel J. Solove, @DanielSolove, George Washington University Law School. Information privacy expert Solove notes all things related to electronic privacy in the public discourse, from Supreme Court briefs to media coverage to his own scholarship.
- Kate Sutherland, @LawandLit, Osgoode Hall Law School. The Toronto-based professor of law and literature posts many times a day on news and articles of interest, mostly related to artistic freedom and censorship, libel and other legal issues related to creative content.
- Jonathan I. Ezor, @ProfJonathan, Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center. Ezor’s tweets focus on technology and data privacy issues related to business, along with a mix of job postings and personal asides.
- Jonathan Zittrain, @zittrain, Harvard Law School. Professor of Internet law and public policy and a computer scientist to boot, Zittrain delivers expert commentary on cyber law and internet privacy.
- Dennis Crouch, @patentlyo, University of Missouri School of Law. Intellectual property law professor Dennis Crouch reports on developments in patent law and job openings for patent lawyers.
- Adam Winkler, @adamwinkler, UCLA. One of the funnier law-professor twitter feeds, this constitutional law professor covers everything from the Bill of Rights to bizarre studies on bestiality.
- Richard Moorhead, @RichardMoorhead, Cardiff Law School. Tweeting from Cardiff, Wales, Moorhead discusses legal ethics with colleagues, as well as football, from time to time.
- Rick Hasen, @rickhasen, UC Irvine. Professor of law and political science, Hasen tweets election law and legislative news, from super PACs to the fight for gay marriage equality.
- Lawrence Lessig, @lessig, Harvard Law School. Founder of the Center for Internet and Society, Lessig is a foremost expert on law and technology. His feed delivers news and perspectives on digital legal issues to an audience of over 178,000 followers.
- Ryan M. Rodenberg, @SportsLawProf, Florida State University. A former college tennis player and NCAA Academic All-American, Ryan tweets about “sports law analytics in industry and academia,” as well as some interesting competitive sports insight.
- Wendy Seltzer, @wseltzer, Fellow at Yale Law School. Sometime cyberlaw professor and fellow at multiple law and technology policy institutes, Seltzer tracks threats and protections to online information along with other IP, innovation and privacy issues.
- James G. Milles, @jgmilles, SUNY Buffalo Law School. Milles’ irreverent and eclectic tweets cover everything from his legal specialty, social technologies and the law, to Nutella to the Oxford comma.
- Jonathan Turley, @JonathanTurley, George Washington Law School. Snappy headlines link to Turley’s blog posts, offering perspectives on politics, world and legal news.
- Colleen Graffy, @Colleen_Graffy, Pepperdine University. News tweets from the perspective of an international law professor.
- Joel B. Eisen, @joeleisen, University of Richmond. Green legal news from this environmental and energy law professor, along with some sports banter.
- Danielle Citron, @DANIELLECITRON, University of Maryland. A handful of tweets from the information privacy and cyber law professor link to media articles and blog posts on the topics.
- Christian Stegmaier, @cstegmaier, University of South Carolina. Stegmaier is a good resource for online law degree students specializing in hotel and restaurant law. Daily posts cover hospitality and retail issues.
- Hollee Temple, @holleeinbalance, West Virginia University Law School. Co-author of “Good Enough is the New Perfect: Finding Happiness and Success in Modern Motherhood,” Temple’s interest is in achieving work-life balance. Her Twitter feed shifts the balance firmly in the direction of lifestyle and personal observations, with a sprinkling of legal matter.
- Steve Meltzer, @stevemeltzer, formerly New England School of Law. The chief legal counsel for the Land Conservation and Advocacy Trust, Meltzer tweets every couple weeks on conservation issues, with an emphasis on his local haunt, Framingham, Massachusetts.
- Peter Friedman, @pbfriedman, ex-professor at Case Western Reserve University. Friedman spotlights digital technology and law, especially the difficulty of applying old-school art and information law to new-school media.
- Gary Francione, @garylfrancione, Rutgers University School of Law. A passionate vegan, Francione uses Twitter to share news and advocate for animal rights.
- David Thomson, @dicthomson, University of Denver Law School. Author of Law School 2.0: Legal Education for a Digital Age, Thomson discusses educational technology and the law school of the future.
- Richard Leiter, @rleiter, University of Nebraska College of Law. Leiter’s posts deliver a weekly dose of information on law librarianship, blues, eSudoku or whatever else strikes his fancy.
- Paul Ohm, @paulohm, University of Colorado Law School. The information security professor and coder writes an informed and informative feed covering tech law topics.
- Eric Goldman, @ericgoldman, Santa Clara University School of Law. Slinky (the toy) enthusiast and Internet advertising law professor Eric Goldman offers perspectives on IP and internet law in the news, the best hikes of northern California and more.
- Mark R. Weaver, @MarkRWeaver, Ohio State University Moritz College of Law. Media law attorney and PR strategist links to relevant blog posts and articles, calls out politician and celebrity media gaffes and dabbles in movie trivia.
- Jamie Markham, @jamie_markham, UNC School of Government. A professor of public law and government, Markham’s feed favors perspectives on civil rights and constitutional law.
- Jane Simon, @LawWriter, Notre Dame University. This legal writing prof and frequent Tweeter posts interesting tidbits on legal topics and much more. Extracurricular interests run to sports and new media.
- David Ardia, @dsardia, UNC School of Law. Media lawyer and fellow at Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society links to interesting perspectives on media law, while offering his own reflections on the topic.
- Cyndee Todgham, @Cyndeelaw, Case Western Reserve and University of Windsor Law School. The Canadian lawyer focuses on her specialties, including international trade law and NAFTA.
- Beth Simone Noveck, @bethnoveck, New York Law School. The former United States deputy chief technology officer has a lot to say about U.S. innovation, IP, federal legislation and more. Includes a smattering of tweets on job openings and cultural happenings.
- Rebecca Herold, @PrivacyProf, independent. An information privacy and security expert, Herold tweets several times a day on the topic of copyright and internet privacy policies.
- James Boyle, @thepublicdomain, Duke Law School. Law professor, FT and HuffPo journalist and author of a comic book on Fair Use, Boyle shares his perspective on topics related to copyright and digital IP. In additition to covering Creative Commons and net neutrality, he reserves some air time for interesting quotes, recommended books and conference announcements.
- James Grimmelmann, @grimmelm, New York Law School. An intelligent feed with news and perspectives on privacy and other issues that arise in connection with software and internet use.
- Jon Harman, @colmmu, The College of Law, UK. More new media links than law from this media director, but he also posts job listings and legal developments.
- Anne P. Mitchell Esq., @annepmitchell, Lincoln Law School of San Jose. The father’s rights attorney and founder of the Institute of Social Internet Public Policy posts frequently on legal issues, with asides drawn from daily life.
- Paul M. Secunda, @psecundaWrkProf, Marquette Law School. Politics and job news populate Secunda’s Twitter feed, with a focus on his legal specialty, employment law.
- Ryan Calo, @rcalo, Stanford Law School. Director of Privacy and Robotics at Stanford’s Center for Internet and Society, Calo covers the latest developments in information privacy as well as some tech news.
- Mark Crispin Miller, @mcrispinmiller, New York University. Author of “Fooled Again: How the Right Stole the 2004 Elections,” professor of culture and communication and publisher of News from Underground, Miller covers politics and social issues.
- John Nechman, @Nechlaw, University of Houston Law Center. Nechman’s interests run to gay rights and immigration law, with a sprinkling of sports and entertainment highlights.
- Gad Barzilai, @gbarzil, University of Washington. The professor of law, political science and international studies publishes straight-talking tweets on global issues several times a week, some in Hebrew.
- Nikki Mehrpoo Jacobson, @immigration411, West Los Angeles College. All things immigration law.
- Hugh Hewitt, @HHRadio, Chapman University Law School. The radio talk show host tweets on media and politics from a conservative and evangelical Christian standpoint.
- Michael Froomkin, @mfroomkin, University of Miami. A smart feed on cybersecurity, tech developments and current events, from the Occupy movement to South Florida happenings.
- Alafair Burke, @alafairburke, Hofstra Law School. Crime novelist and law professor Burke publishes funny and engaging updates several times a day.
- Ross Runkel, @rossrunkel, Willamette University College of Law (emeritus). Runkel’s Twitter feed stays on topic reporting and commenting on developments in employment law, from NLRB and SCOTUS to state courts.
- Ann Althouse, @annalthouse, University of Wisconsin Law School. A witty and wide-ranging feed on everything from constitutional law to feminism to life in Madison, Wisconsin.
- Shaun Jamison, @shaunjamison, Concord Law School. Online law degree students can follow this online law school professor, who divides his Twitter time between legal real estate issues and personal fitness.
- Karen Evans, @KarenEvansTM, Lawrence Tech. A business law professor, Evans keeps her Twitter followers up to date on trademark and copyright issues.